Keeps Me Awake At Night

Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari – A Review

Chap 1 The New Human Agenda

  1. The Last Days of Death ( p 21-29 )
  2. The Right to Life is fundamental human value, hence death violates humanity. The right is not limited to any defined period. Human face death in three ways, denials, acceptance or fight.
  3. Religions believe in after death – second coming, reincarnation. If human has immortality, religion may not be needed.
  4. Death is caused by technical problems ( disease , accidents ), human continue to find solution. Scientists believe we can overcome death between 2100-2200, but only gradually at a significant progress of every decade.
  5. In 20th Century, life expectancy increased from 40 to 70. In 21st century, it may double to 150. In truth life span has not changed ( approximately 90) though average life expectancy rate has increased due to better health care.
  6. If human can achieve immortality some issues will arise Can love for spouses and loved one last over 100 years. Can we tolerate politicians ( Mao, Putin ) for 100 years . On the other hand, history has proven that only a new generation can bring in new technologies ( ” science advances one funeral at a time “)
  7. Human will continue to search for immortality under the capitalism system as there is money to be made.
  8. Once immortality can be achieved , artists , religion leaders and politicians will abort their efforts in achieving Eternal Glory .
  9. New political conflicts will arise if science achieve greater success due to the desire to achieve eternal life. The conflict will surpass all past wars and conflicts in human history. My thoughts – do we really want immortality? There will not be any young children as we just do not have sufficient food and space. Do we want to be surrounded by people are over 100 years. No fun, the question is that is the optimal age ? 90 is probably good enough provided we are healthy physically and mentally.

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